viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

My best day in Europe

My favourite day in europe was in Edimburgh, the day when we went to the castle because I remembered when I went with my family long ago. After going to the castle I went to a splendid pub called "The worlds end", the food was fantastic. Later that night I went to buy some cloths. Finally in the night I had lot of fun in the city.

sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

The Social Network Speech


Good evening ladies and gentlemen, today I’m going to speak about something very important that happened here in the university, that is, how Mark Zuckerberg betrayed his friend Eduardo Saverin, through ambition for the webpage called 'Facebook' to have success. I would like to introduce myself and tell you people the importance of having friends. My name is Andrew Barroilhet, from business and engineering, and part of the coolest club in Harvard, 'The Phoenix Club'. One of the reasons to have friends is to be accepted. What I mean is that when you are accepted, you are part of a group that is important to you because you are with people that like to be with you and you like to be with them.

First of all, I would like to give some important background that will help you to understand this situation better. It all started when Eduardo entered my Club. Here Mark got jealous of him, so there was a "crack" between Mark's and Eduardo's friendship. Another problem, a BIG PROBLEM, is when the Napster co-founder, 'Sean Parker', joined this company. He changed Mark in all senses, what I mean is that he manipulated this genius to have success in Facebook at all costs, even betraying his friend Eduardo. I still remember how Mark and Eduardo hung out in the bar, but thanks to Facebook all that changed.

Secondly, another important fact is when Mark moved to California; Eduardo couldn't go because he had a good and normal life in New York. So when Sean knew Eduardo wasn't coming he "transformed" Mark into another person, an ambitious one. Also an important issue is how Mark and Sean tricked Eduardo to sign a contract. The contract was about the profit distribution of the company, for its partners, which was 70% Mark and 30% Eduardo in the beginning. Then it was reduced to 0.03%. This problem destroyed the friendship between Mark and Eduardo. 

So I was next to them when hey started to discuss, I remember that Sean was telling Eduardo how was his mind functioning,  Furthermore I would like to give sn example of what I heard in the company where Sean tells Eduardo how his mind was functioning in the moment, which is how now Mark acts thanks Sean.
-“Sean Parker: You know what’s cooler than a million dollars?
-Eduardo Saverin: you?
-Sean Parker: a billion dollars”

Here these two friends are already having a discussion where their friendship is breaking apart because Sean is getting more greedy so thanks to the Facebook company Sean’s mind is changing in a drastic way. I would always choose my friends before than money or in this case a millionaire company.

Thirdly, one day I had the possibility to go to the Facebook Company. I still remember when Eduardo entered the office and found out what really happened in the contract. He came out of the room where he was with his lawyer and searched for Mark. He was furious I remember and destroyed Mark’s computer and told him ‘I was your only friend – you had one friend’. Then he left and later sued the company. At that moment Mark lost his only friend, Eduardo, his best friend from Universitiy, lost their friendship thanks to a company called Facebook, where you can have more than a 1000 friends, but fake friends.

When I was in th  company there was the ultimate discussion between Mark and Eduardo, it happened after Eduardo smashing Mark's computer.

Eduardo: Mark! 

Sean Parker: He's wired in. 

Eduardo Saverin: I'm sorry? 

Sean Parker: He's wired in.

Eduardo Saverin: [picks up marks computer and smashes it on the ground] What about now? Are you wired in now?"

Here it’s the maximum climax given by Mark and Eduardo, both of them are now seeing each other as enemies, forgetting the past. Lately after this battle they were separated and then Eduardo denounced the company, at meanwhile Mark was very regret from his actions as at it showed in the last of scene of the movie when he added his ex girlfriend in Facebook, It seems to me that this is a very sad ending for the Mark.

To finish my speech, I want to repeat the idea that friendship is very important in our lives. My life? In Harvard? Without friends? I can’t imagine it, because I was a part of a group where people respected me and I respected them. These years were the most important of my life; because they formed me to person I’m now. I couldn’t imagine being alone, a lonely wolf, it disturbs me. So please don’t be like Mark or Sean. FRIENDS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN MONEY AND AMIBITION.

Thank you for time and patience listening to me, now the Dean will explain the lawsuits, in depth, that the Winklevoss twins and Eduardo submitted to the court again

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

Letter to Jaime Shea

Dear Jaime Shea,

In first place you should abandon your job as soon as posible, or if you can now. Jaime, after the war of Kosov, by using euphemisms you distorsion the information to the people that read or watch the news,thats okay but what you did Jaime was a huge lie, because you could not manipulate the information in a good way. Jaime you can do expectacular things by using language, in this case euphemism, but you went out of control this time.

A good way to use euphemisms, in this case war, is to suppress some information instead of saying to a kid "your father was killed", you can say to him "your father passed away". What you did was terrible, you changed the whole perception of the war. People read the news to know what is really happening, but you did the contrary. People NEED to know what is happening, they must know what soldiers or maybe familiars are dying and being killed each other. 

This is why I'm going to repeat to you to quit your job Jaime. I must say the only reason why people hear the news are to know what is happening, of course war. Instead you lied to all of them.

Please stop lying

Aldous Huxley

Link Glogster Presentation

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Activity Comparing Two Letters Of Application

Link of 2 Letters: Click Here!

1. Don't have too many clauses at the beginning of the sentence.
Explanation: As we can see, in the first letter there a lot of unnecessary words, on the other side in the second letter those words were deleted and some of them were replaces by others. Also we can see in the first letter "Over the past six years, each morning," some words were removed and replaced and also moved in another way as we see in the second letter, "Each morning for the past six years," here we can see that two clauses were changed into one clause.
2. Avoid 'it' as the subject of the sentence. 
Explanation: In letter's you should avoid the word 'it' because your sentece can sound quite weak clause, as we can see in the first letter "It feels so natural to me to be a primary school teacher" this sentence can be modified into a better one like in the second letter, that sound's much better "Being a primary school teacher comes so naturally to me". As we can see in the second letter the sentence sounds, in a way, a stronger clause.
3. Use the right verb tense. (Use present perfect with 'for x amount of time...')
Explanation: If you use the wrong  verb tense in your sentence you can have mistakes, but it's not so bad. For native speakers is natural so normally they do not have mistakes, but in our case, in Chile, lot of students and people have this mistake. ln the first letter "Yet for the past few months" was changed to "Nevertheless for the past few months"  that sounds much better.
4. Use (relative) clauses, such as 'who', 'where', or 'which'.
Explanation: You should always use this words, because we can expand our ideas much better, also you can make clauses in other sentences, as we can see in tip 1.
5. Watch out wordy sentences.
Explanation: You should always watch out wordy sentences, because if this happens your letter are not clear or 'run on'. You always have to fix this problem, a way to do it is clean up with punctuation and parallel constructions.
6. Never start sentence with 'but'.
Explanation: We can't say that starting a sentence is but, just that we shouldn't start a sentence with 'but' for academical purposes.
7. Parallel structures.
Explanation: Parallelisms are sentences or phrases that contain parallel syntactical structures, that means that a noun phrases list is contained or clauses have a similar structure.
8. Use active verbs instead of passive words.
Explanation: We all know that with active words you can make better and stronger clauses that with passive verbs. We can see in the first letter that the clause is very poor "..value would be added value to your organisation by..", but this problem can be fixed just by adding acrtive verbs as it say's the second letter "I would add value to your organisation."